Applications: Landscape Plans, VIAs, HIAs, NIDs, Green Star
Applications are part-and-parcel of the development cycle and NWA have over 25 years experience in producing effective applications for your project be it of a landscape or environmental nature. Inadequate project applications can result in costly failures and delays. We have had to take over projects with poor documentation and applications previously submitted on more than one occasion and succeeded in getting these applications through first-time preventing further frustration.
Landscape projects typically require a Landscape Plan/s to be prepared for local municipal councils including landscape sketch proposals, plant lists, and a tree conservation plan. All our plans are produced using CAD software yielding high quality plans that can be easily updated to generate electronic drawings quickly distributed and shared with the client and team. NWA uses AutoCAD-compatible VectorWorks and can produce 3D models of landscapes where required.
Environmental Planning applications including EIA, VIA and HIA can all be produced by NWA. As mentioned on other pages, VIA is a part of the HIA and NWA regularly prepares NIDs (Notification of Intent to Develop) for Heritage Western Cape (HWC), whereafter HIAs and VIAs are prepared accordingly. NWA have also completed the Green Star course and can produce applications in association with other qualified practitioners to the Green Star Council of SA.
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