
NWA has long experience in the preparation of quotations for all its areas of professional practice. Quoting is an important part of the work of professional landscape architects and environmental planners, and we are well able to provide quotations for any type of project requiring these services. Where necessary, particularly in environmental-, visual- and heritage planning, we work together with other reputable consultants to provide comprehensive and competitive quotes.

All landscape architectural services are prepared in accordance with SACLAP (South African Council for Landscape Architecture Professionals) conditions of service, fee scales and hourly rates. NWA's rates are highly competitive but we do not skimp on standards in providing professional services. We conduct our work to the highest professional and ethical standards producing independent reports that are well respected.

Should you require any quotations or even advice for your project's landscape, environmental, green star, visual or heritage needs, please contact us by your preferred method. NWA practises today primarily in the SW Cape but has extensive experience in other parts of South and Southern Africa, and is willing and able to provide professional services to projects abroad. Our contact details are as follows:

p |  021-782-8890

m|  082-222-2113

e |  neworld@telkomsa.net

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