Landscape Management

NWA is specialised in the management of landscapes and environments. This is usually through the projects we have designed or planned. We also offer this critical service to new clients looking to manage either their property landscape and grounds or rehabilitation monitoring and site development.

The monitoring and control of designed landscapes and environments is critical to the success of any scheme and is often overlooked or ignored. This generally has poor results, often quite rapidly, when a landscape has been newly implemented, or over the mid to long term. It is essential that the development of a landscape that has either been constructed or enhanced be guided professionally in order to retain the original vision of the scheme and conform to planning approvals.

Contractors need to be monitored to ensure that they are maintaining the scheme to specification and be given timeous instructions as the demands of seasonal work and climatic events such as storms can cause landscape damage. Any Body Corporate Trustee responsible for the gardens/grounds of their property will know that landscape maintenance is costly and often the technical nature of this portfolio can soon exceed their limited knowledge or experience.

Another important aspect of landscape development is the change in climate. This is caused by the growth of trees and shrubs which can overshadow sun-loving species. Fynbos does not like shade preferring full sun so this regularly requires planting to be adjusted. Some plants are also short-lived or die out from various causes and these will need replacement and sometimes redesign. Unless this is carefully done in conformance with the scheme's landscape plan and planting list undesirable changes will occur spoiling the development.

Many commercial landscape schemes include costly equipment such as water features and pumps, or expensive finishes such as marble or other paving, lighting and materials that steadily degrade in the landscape. These items can soon cost any scheme a lot of money if not managed effectively and professionally.

Finally, large estates require a management team that will include an architect and landscape architect, at least, to ensure that new property owners in the scheme conform to the scheme's design guidelines. Once again, this is a technical job that requires expertise, time and consistency which individual owners are not always able to provide. The success of any estate where costly or extensive landscaping and grounds is involved will greatly benefit from our detailed and experienced approach. 

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